Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Paint - The Final Color Selection Part 2

We only have three paint colors in the house right now. That might change when we've lived in it for a while, but for now this is a good safe start. Gray in the majority of the house, a different color in Addison's bedroom and bathroom and the third color in our master bedroom.

Addison's nursery at our last house was blue-ish green. In the mornings and mid-day it looked extremely blue but in the evenings it would show its green tint. It was called Sea Glass and it was fun and energetic but not extremely in your face. I don't know what it is about a little girl's room painted a shade of blue but I tend to drift towards it for her walls. My original inspiration photo for Addison's room came from Edie's blog and her daughters' shared bedroom:

I love it. I love it. I love it.

I might be straight up copying it. Which is awful for an interior designer. Where's the creativity in that? We'll see where things go but don't be surprised if that Serena & Lily comforter makes an appearance. Or a starburst mirror. I already bought a gray/white chevron rug on clearance in July right after we bought the house for her room. I have a whole chevron drama post coming at some point for your utter enjoyment.

The color of the walls in that room are Sherwin Williams Sea Salt. I pulled that color, along with some similar swatches and found the Sea Salt was just "off" for the rest of the house and the rest of the color palette. It was beautiful, until I held it up with everything else and then it looked dirty. The color I ended up selecting and color matching was from Home Depot's Home Decorators Collection. It's called Wind Fresh White and doesn't appear to be white at all. It's extremely close to the Sea Salt but doesn't have quite the taupe undertone. So yet again, another blue-green color for Addison, just a little more refined, a little more "big girl" this time.

These photos were taken at night, while the room was being painted so it's hard to see the color. It needs a second coat just like the kitchen, which I'm hoping to get on quickly (maybe tomorrow?!) in order to be able to start getting her room ready for move in. The less it smells and the more it feels like home when she starts sleeping there on Friday the better. I'll have nothing ready in terms of her "big girl room" but I think it'll make the transition a little easier on our girl if it feels less like a construction zone and more like her room.
The wall color is also an almost exact match to the glass wall tile I am installing in her shower/bath. Please excuse the unflattering photo of me. This photo is reason #96 I am re-kick starting my exercise and clean diet once we're moved in.

This tile is really pretty (while it doesn't look that way here). Once it's all up, grouted and cleaned I think it's going to look pretty nice. It's extremely thin which has made the installation go pretty smoothly. Because these glass tiles are half the thickness of most, the weight of the sheets hasn't been an issue and it seems to be moving along nicely.

The floor tile and this wall tile have to be finished this evening in order for her bathtub to be refinished tomorrow afternoon. Once that is done, we'll grout, paint and install her vanity. Then the plumber can get it all hooked up and we will have a functioning bathroom. Hopefully ours won't be terribly far behind.

Movers come tomorrow to get us out of the apartment before the end of the month. More posts to come on Friday.

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